Sunday, October 16, 2005

Its 1.32 p.m.

I grew up in a small town. Also had a very close relationship with farmer and the associated community. I have always felt that farmers are the most optimistic souls on this earth. They have to be. The nature forces them to be like that otherwise they will just break down under the tremendous uncertainty.
OK. So the point I started was to do something with farmer. Yes. Farmers generally have buffalows. They either buy a pregnant buffalow (we call her Gabhan) from market or raise one of the calves. (I am not sure buffalow baby is called a calf or not). The buffalow goes on giving milk till she can bourne more buffalows in her belly. At the end of around 3rd quarter of her life she can not give birth as the nature won't allow her (We call such buffaloes 'bhakad'. I am sure people are trying to increase this useful age). Now comes the catch.

Some farmers don't sell these poor souls to butcher. They remain in the stable till the death comes over. Some farmers being very poor can not feed such bhakad animals and are forced to sell them. Some farmers are very calm and cool. They just go and sell a buffalow to a butcher. Have you ever seen such an animal dragged to the kattalkhana. It's a very miserable site to watch. You can just read everything in the eyes of that poor animal.

I always used to wonder what that soul would be thinking? What a great emotional turmoil it would be undergoing? What? What? What?

Today I can feel what that animal goes through. There is no pain. There is no sorrow. It is just a plain end. You just can not think when you get stabbed by the most beloved person. When a person about whom you think 24 hours a day, cheats you, that is something unbearable. The worst part you lose the trust in everything related. And that is the biggest blow. Because there are many things which you do because you trust someone. When trust is over, lot of things in this life slam the door upon you. You are no longer eligible to enjoy them.

But I envy these animals. These souls atleast die in next day or two. I have to stay for much longer. Much much longer.

It is 1.52 pm now.

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